University of Technology Sydney

CBK91866 Advanced Nursing Specialty

Select 12 credit points of options:  12cp
96706  Advanced Biostatistics 6cp 
STM91401  Advanced Nursing 12cp 
STM91398  Anaesthetics and Post Anaesthetic Care Unit 12cp 
92664  Contemporary Approaches to Digital Health 6cp 
STM91399  Critical Care 12cp 
92790  Evidence for Informing Practice 6cp 
96732  Foundations in Public Health 3cp 
92638  Foundations of the Australian Healthcare System 6cp 
96730  Fundamentals of Biostatistics 3cp 
92298  Fundamentals of Epidemiology 6cp 
96735  Fundamentals of Qualitative Research 3cp 
92033  Health Classification and Terminologies A 6cp 
92034  Health Classification and Terminologies B 6cp 
92035  Health Information Management Principles and Practice 6cp 
23787  Health Technology Assessment 6cp 
96733  Indigenous Public Health 3cp 
26703  Introductory Health Economics 6cp 
96202  Language of Healthcare 6cp 
92887  Organisational Management in Health Care 6cp 
STM91400  Perioperative 12cp 
96704  Social Perspectives in Public Health 6cp 
Total  12cp