University of Technology Sydney

CBK91265 K-12 electives

Select 96 credit points of options:  96cp
013992  Aboriginal Sydney Now 6cp 
36200  Arguments, Evidence and Intuition 6cp 
010051  Beginning Teaching: Surviving and Thriving 6cp 
028281  Business Studies/Economics Teaching Methods 1 6cp 
028282  Business Studies/Economics Teaching Methods 2 6cp 
028248  Creative Arts 1: Visual Art 6cp 
028249  Creative Arts 2: Music, Movement and Dance 6cp 
024421  Creative Arts 4: Drama 6cp 
028250  English Education 1 6cp 
028251  English Education 2 6cp 
028252  English Education 3 6cp 
024412  English Study 2: Images of Australia, the Place and the People - Literary Representations in Prose, Poetry and Drama 6cp 
024413  English Study 3: The Literature of Protest 6cp 
028271  English Teaching Methods 1 6cp 
028272  English Teaching Methods 2 6cp 
021702  ICT in School Education: Current Issues and Applications 6cp 
028258  Inclusive Education: Communication 6cp 
013102  Introducing Knowledge about Language 6cp 
013983  Learning Academic English 6cp 
024411  Literary Narrative from Sendak to Shakespeare Education 6cp 
028239  Mathematics Education 1 6cp 
028240  Mathematics Education 2 6cp 
028241  Mathematics Education 3 6cp 
028259  Mathematics Teaching Methods 1 6cp 
028260  Mathematics Teaching Methods 2 6cp 
013988  Multiliteracies and Multimodalities 6cp 
024705  Multimodal Texts: Comprehending and Creating 6cp 
026412  Music Moves 6cp 
028289  Numeracy for Lifelong and Lifewide Learning 6cp 
027412  Personal Development Health and Physical Education: Teachers and Physical Activity 6cp 
028267  Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Teaching Methods 1 6cp 
028268  Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Teaching Methods 2 6cp 
028246  Personal Development, Health, Physical Education 1: Foundations of Teaching HPE 6cp 
028247  Personal Development, Health, Physical Education 2: Curriculum and Pedagogy in HPE 6cp 
028230  Professional Experience 1: Preparation for Teaching 6cp 
028231  Professional Experience 2: Introduction to Classroom Management 6cp 
028232  Professional Experience 3: Effective Teaching and Learning 6cp 
028233  Professional Experience 4: Building Classroom Management 6cp 
028234  Professional Experience 5: Teacher as Researcher 6cp 
028235  Professional Experience 6: Teaching Performance Assessment and Internship 6cp 
028255  Reading, Writing and Spelling 6cp 
028263  Science Teaching Methods 1 6cp 
028264  Science Teaching Methods 2 6cp 
028242  Science and Technology Education 1 6cp 
028243  Science and Technology Education 2 6cp 
028412  Science and Technology Study 2: Science and Technology in Daily Life 6cp 
028992  Shaping Meaningful Worlds: Language Texts and Context 6cp 
028244  Social and Environmental Education 1 6cp 
028245  Social and Environmental Education 2 6cp 
010050  Student Welfare: Implications for Teaching and Learning 6cp 
013219  Studio Practice: Ceramics 6cp 
013218  Studio Practice: Painting 6cp 
028253  TESOL: Methodology 6cp 
022603  Teaching Across the Curriculum 6cp 
013105  The Multilingual Learner 6cp 
Total  96cp