University of Technology Sydney

C11374v1 Graduate Certificate in International Relations

Award(s): Graduate Certificate in International Relations (GradCertIR)
Commonwealth supported place?: No
Load credit points: 24
Course EFTSL: 0.5
Location: Online campus


This course is offered fully online. The first intake is in SP3 2024.

Career options
Course intended learning outcomes
Admission requirements
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Articulation with UTS courses
Other information


The world is undergoing rapid changes with the emergence of new global challenges, shifting power dynamics, and a rapidly evolving international landscape. The Graduate Certificate in International Relations from UTS Online is designed for future-focused professionals who seek to develop a foundational understanding of the complex dynamics that shape the global political landscape and develop the intercultural competency to address these challenges internationally.

Through practical skill-building, students analyse theoretical frameworks, actors, institutions, and potential future directions shaping the international order, and explore the interplay between global trade, and governance and their impact on different social groups and regions. Students also develop effective communication skills across cultural and linguistic barriers and learn to develop strategies for effective communication and action to address sustainability and global governance challenges. Graduates of the UTS Online Graduate Certificate in International Relations are equipped to analyse complex global issues and contribute to positive change in our interconnected world.

Career options

Graduates are prepared for a variety of career paths in government and non-government organisations, international organisations, and industry. Specific roles include Researcher, International Business Coordinator, Program Coordinator, Cross-Cultural Specialist, Humanitarian Aid Practitioner.

Course intended learning outcomes

1.1 Employ effective strategies to navigate professional interactions across diverse cultural contexts in Australia and internationally.
2.1 Apply understanding of international relations theories and concepts to the analysis of real-world case studies and global issues.
3.1 Demonstrate proficiency in navigating intercultural dynamics in Australia and internationally.
4.1 Critically analyse Indigenous communication and engagement contexts to inform capabilities to work with and for Indigenous peoples across international relations professions.
5.1 Demonstrate a critical perspective on current sustainability practices and act in socially responsible ways in both Australian and international settings.
6.1 Effectively communicate complex concepts and arguments related to international relations to diverse audiences in a variety of global contexts.

Admission requirements

Applicants must have completed a UTS recognised bachelor's degree, or an equivalent or higher qualification, or submitted other evidence of general and professional qualifications that demonstrates potential to pursue graduate studies.

All applicants who do not meet the minimum academic requirement may still be considered on the basis of:

• a minimum of at least four (4) years full time, or equivalent, relevant work experience*, and
• a general capacity to undertake tertiary education as evidenced by a 300-word personal statement outlining the applicant’s interest in the course and clearly articulating how the course's intended outcomes align with their career expectations.

* Relevant work experience is defined from within the ANZSCO groups 01 Managers, 02 Professionals, 04 Community and Personal Service Workers and 05 Clerical and Administrative Workers.

Applicants must submit a CV outlining their work experience and a Statement of Service confirming dates of employment and the position held within the organisation.

If applicants do not submit these documents, their application may not be considered.

The English proficiency requirement for international students or local applicants with international qualifications is: IELTS Academic: 6.5 overall with a writing score of 6.0; or TOEFL internet based: 79-93 overall with a writing score of 21; or AE5: Pass; or PTE: 58-64 with a writing score of 50; or C1A/C2P: 176-184 with a writing score of 169.

Eligibility for admission does not guarantee offer of a place.

International students

Visa requirement: To obtain a student visa to study in Australia, international students must enrol full time and on campus. Australian student visa regulations also require international students studying on student visas to complete the course within the standard full-time duration. Students can extend their courses only in exceptional circumstances.

Course duration and attendance

This course can be completed in a minimum of 8 months of online study, 1 x 6 credit point subject (or equivalent) per session over 12 x 7-week teaching sessions.

Studying more than 6 credit points a session is not recommended and subject to Faculty approval.

Course structure

The course comprises four core subjects equalling a total of 24 credit points.

Course completion requirements

STM91840 Core subjects 24cp
Total 24cp

Course program

For a tailored study program, download a course guide and speak to a UTS Online Student Enrolment Advisor about entering in any one of the six admission points per year to study fully online.

Articulation with UTS courses

This course is part of an articulated program comprising C06152 Graduate Diploma in International Relations (exit only course) and C04455 Master of International Relations.

Other information

For more information, speak to a UTS Online Student Enrolment Advisor:
telephone 1300 477 423