University of Technology Sydney

C04394v4 Master of Media Practice and Industry

Award(s): Master of Media Practice and Industry (MMediaPracInd)
CRICOS code: 098414A
Commonwealth supported place?: Yes
Load credit points: 72
Course EFTSL: 1.5
Location: City campus


Commonwealth Supported Places

There are a limited number of Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) within this course that are competitive and allocated on merit. Applicants must indicate on their application if they wish to be considered for a CSP.

As applications are assessed progressively, applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early to be considered. Eligible applicants must accept their offer by the lapse date to retain their place.

  • Autumn 2024 closing dates:
    • Round 1: Sunday 26 November 2023
    • Round 2: Sunday 21 January 2024 (if places are available)
  • Spring 2024 closing dates:
    • Round 1: Sunday 26 May 2024
    • Round 2: Sunday 23 June 2024 (if places are available)

Refer to Postgraduate courses with Commonwealth Supported Places for more information.

Course aims
Career options
Course intended learning outcomes
Admission requirements
Recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course diagram
Course program
Articulation with UTS courses
Exit award
Other information


The Master of Media Practice and Industry is for creative media graduates or experienced industry practitioners seeking to advance their skills and employability in a hybrid and dynamic media environment. The course is focused towards media industry transformations with respect to ethics, social justice, technology and sustainability. Students select from innovation, industry and production subject choices which share entrepreneurial, collaborative and iterative approaches to the ideas, practices and audiences for screen, digital media and emerging platforms. Curation, design thinking and project-based work are key aspects of the course which aims to produce graduates who can provide leadership to harness and shape opportunities in the field.

The Master of Media Practice and Industry is unique in integrating advanced media production practices and future-focused capabilities and technologies with social justice, ethics and sustainable industry practices. UTS's unique partnership with Compton School, Australia’s first Creative Business School to co-deliver the Advanced Creative Entrepreneurship core subject offers students an opportunity to build a viable business from scratch. Graduates from this course are highly sought after as leaders in a rapidly evolving media landscape.

Course aims

The Master of Media Practice and Industry provides students with a deeply creative, innovative, audience-focused, adaptable, entrepreneurial and production-ready skillset that makes them highly desirable practitioners in the current and future media industries. Graduates are highly motivated problem solvers with a sophisticated and nuanced grasp of the knowledge they require for development, production, curation and distribution of traditional and emerging forms of screen content and the ability to seize and create opportunities in the most advanced practices for the industry. By building their learning around vital industry and global issues such as social justice, ethics and sustainability, graduates can become future leaders in the creative and media industries helping to spearhead changes in media technologies, content, distribution and production.

Career options

Graduates are creative and cultural producers who can incubate, produce and post-produce for screen, digital and emerging media. Career options include directors, producers, multiplatform storytellers, advertising creatives, festival and digital channel curators and post-production specialists in screen and immersive media. Graduates have the capacity to generate and deliver sophisticated creative media industry prototypes, portfolios and projects.

Course intended learning outcomes

This course engages with the following Course Intended Learning Outcomes (CILOs), which are tailored to the Graduate Attributes set for all graduates of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences:

1.1 Remain current in media industry practice
1.2 Reflect critically on trends in emerging media
1.3 Maintain collaborative media networks
2.1 Engage ethically with complex problems to deliver future-focused and sustainable solutions
2.2 Apply high-level collaborative research and entrepreneurial skills to business, curation and understanding audiences
2.3 Analyse, develop or produce creative media projects for a range of platforms and experiences
3.1 Be respectful of diverse cultural contexts
4.1 Counter negative stereotypes and respect cultural protocols
4.2 Engage with innovative works and practices of Indigenous practitioners
5.1 Address social justice issues of equity, diversity and sustainability
5.2 Engage audiences and communities for impact and change
6.1 Evaluate how communication works in a professional creative media context
6.2 Demonstrate high-level abilities and self-awareness as an oral, written and visual communicator


The first digit of each CILO indicates the relevant graduate attribute:

  1. Professional Readiness
  2. Critical and Creative Inquiry
  3. International and Intercultural Engagement
  4. Indigenous Competencies
  5. Active Citizenship
  6. Effective Communication

Admission requirements

Applicants must have completed a UTS recognised bachelor's degree, or an equivalent or higher qualification, or submitted other evidence of general and professional qualifications that demonstrates potential to pursue graduate studies.

For applicants with a bachelor's degree, master's, graduate diploma or graduate certificate:

  • the degree must be in the field of society and culture (e.g. Bachelor of Arts), or creative arts
  • if the degree is not in the field of society and culture, or creative arts, applicants must also have a minimum of two years' related professional work experience. These applicants must also provide a curriculum vitae (CV), which should include details of paid and voluntary work or other experiences (e.g. special interest groups) that could be relevant to the course, and provide a personal statement that outlines their interest in the course and demonstrates an understanding of the opportunities present in the emerging media industries. Employment experience is assessed according to the response provided by applicants via the employment question on their UTS e-application.

If applicants do not submit these documents, their application may not be considered.

The English proficiency requirement for international students or local applicants with international qualifications is: IELTS Academic: 7.0 overall with a writing score of 6.5; or TOEFL internet based: 94-101 overall with a writing score of 24; or PTE: 65-72 overall with a writing score 58; or C1A/C2P: 185-190 with a writing score 176.

Eligibility for admission does not guarantee offer of a place.

International students

Visa requirement: To obtain a student visa to study in Australia, international students must enrol full time and on campus. Australian student visa regulations also require international students studying on student visas to complete the course within the standard full-time duration. Students can extend their courses only in exceptional circumstances.

Recognition of prior learning

Students who have successfully completed subjects from the Graduate Certificate in Media Practice and Industry (C11289) are eligible for recognition of prior learning for completed subjects.

Course duration and attendance

The Master of Media Practice and Industry is offered on a one-and-a-half year, full-time basis.

Course structure

Students complete 72 credit points of study. All students are required to complete two core subjects that focus on vital transformative issues facing the current and future media and creative industries. Students select two subjects from each of the choices: Innovation, Industry, and Production, and select an additional subject from any of the choices.

Full-time students are required to undertake 24 credit points a session.

Course completion requirements

STM91564 Core stream (Media, Industry and Practice) 16cp
CBK91769 Innovation choice 16cp
CBK91770 Industry choice 16cp
CBK91771 Production choice 16cp
CBK92007 General choice 8cp
Total 72cp

Course diagram

Course diagram: C04394

Course program

Typical course programs are shown below for full-time students, commencing in Autumn or Spring sessions.

Students can choose to complete subjects from the Innovation, Industry, and Production choices in any order; however, some prerequisites may apply.

Typical program, Autumn commencing, full time
Year 1
Autumn session
57229 Story Core: Ethical Production   8cp
Select 8 credit points from the following:   8cp
CBK91769 Innovation choice 16cp  
Select 8 credit points from the following:   8cp
CBK91771 Production choice 16cp  
Spring session
Select 8 credit points from the following:   8cp
CBK91770 Industry choice 16cp  
Select 8 credit points from the following:   8cp
CBK91771 Production choice 16cp  
Select 8 credit points from the following:   8cp
CBK91769 Innovation choice 16cp  
Year 2
Autumn session
Select 8 credit points from the following:   8cp
CBK91770 Industry choice 16cp  
57226 Collaborative Media Project   8cp
Typical program, Spring commencing, full time
Year 1
Spring session
57229 Story Core: Ethical Production   8cp
Select 8 credit points from the following:   8cp
CBK91769 Innovation choice 16cp  
Select 8 credit points from the following:   8cp
CBK91771 Production choice 16cp  
Year 2
Autumn session
Select 8 credit points from the following:   8cp
CBK91770 Industry choice 16cp  
Select 8 credit points from the following:   8cp
CBK91771 Production choice 16cp  
Select 8 credit points from the following:   8cp
CBK91769 Innovation choice 16cp  
Spring session
Select 8 credit points from the following:   8cp
CBK91770 Industry choice 16cp  
57226 Collaborative Media Project   8cp

Articulation with UTS courses

This course is part of an articulated program comprising of the Graduate Certificate in Media Practice and Industry (C11289), the Graduate Diploma in Media Practice and Industry (C07140) (exit-only course), and the Master of Media Practice and Industry.

Exit award

Students can apply for internal course transfer and exit this course after completing 48 credit points of approved subjects with a Graduate Diploma in Media Practice and Industry (C07140).

Other information

Further information is available from the UTS Student Centre on:

telephone 1300 ask UTS (1300 275 887)
or +61 2 9514 1222