University of Technology Sydney

C04018v9 Master of Business Administration

Award(s): Master of Business Administration in Digital Finance (MBA)
Master of Business Administration (MBA)

CRICOS code: 025004A
Commonwealth supported place?: No
Load credit points: 96
Course EFTSL: 2
Location: City campus

Course aims
Career options
Course intended learning outcomes
Dual program of study
Admission requirements
Pathway course
Inherent requirements
Recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course diagram
Course program
Articulation with UTS courses
Professional recognition
Other information


The UTS Master of Business Administration (MBA) is designed to extend strategic thinking, knowledge and capabilities for early career professionals seeking a career change or advancing into managerial roles. UTS is Australia’s number one young university, and the UTS MBA embeds the ethos of practice-based learning, social justice, inclusion, and research with real-world impact. UTS MBA graduates are socially committed change-makers and have secured roles, including CEOs, CFOs, and COOs. The course provides flexibility for students to build a broad foundation of general business skills before expanding their skill sets with their preferred specialisation(s). All MBA subjects are approved by an industry board that insists on 'relevance to workplace' as a pre-eminent subject design principle.

The MBA provides knowledge and skills essential for superior management performance encompassing a socially committed perspective. The UTS MBA offers extensive flexibility for students to build a broad foundation of general business skills before expanding their skill sets with their preferred specialisation(s). The course features a core of six subjects that introduces students to key managerial and business concepts. These core subjects are offered only to our MBA students, allowing an immersive experience with students from diverse industry, cultural and educational backgrounds. Beyond the core subject, students choose from a wide choice of majors, sub-majors and/or electives from faculties throughout UTS, including design, IT, engineering and law. These choices can be selected and/or changed after commencing the course, providing on-demand flexibility.

Students benefit from the UTS MBA Career Elevate program, providing tailored career support, experience solving real industry problems and industry networking throughout the course. Students have the opportunity to complete an internship and engage in social justice-focused volunteering and leadership during the course.

Course aims

The UTS MBA aims to enable early career professionals to either prepare for more senior roles within their current field, or to switch to new fields of business management. This includes general management, functional and specialist skills development.

  • General management skills develop expertise in strategic thinking, critical analysis, developing and implementing business plans, decision-making under uncertainty, understanding organisational dynamics, motivating others, effective communication, leadership, and promoting change in dynamic environments.
  • Functional skills develop competency in a number of key disciplines including accounting, finance, marketing and human resources management.
  • Specialist skills are introduced in areas such as professional accounting, human resource management, management in the public, private, non-for-profit, sport and international spheres, and technology and sustainable enterprise management. Students acquire these specialist skills through an extensive choice of majors, sub-majors and electives available through different faculties.

Career options

The UTS MBA provides a flexible and tailored course that is widely recognised and transportable. The course is intellectually demanding and practically applied, providing students with the knowledge and skills required for career progression or career change.

Students participate in the UTS MBA Career Elevate Program, enabling students to realise their full career potential. The program is tailored to each individual student’s needs, recognising that students’ career aspirations and objectives vary widely. Students have the opportunity to engage in a design thinking approach to career and life design in a core subject and then receive UTS Careers support throughout the MBA course to achieve their aspirations. The support is provided through within-subject content and extra-curricular opportunities.

Course intended learning outcomes

1.1 Synthesise critical thinking and advanced analytical skills to develop creative solutions that address strategic business issues in complex contexts
2.1 Communicate business information effectively to various stakeholders to achieve desired business outcomes
2.2 Interact and collaborate with colleagues and stakeholders to work effectively to achieve desired business outcomes
3.1 Evaluate and apply principles of ethics, sustainability, social responsibility to decision-making in business
4.1 Demonstrate advanced skills in professional business practice by researching and analysing complex information and concepts to support business decisions in local and international contexts
5.1 Critically reflect on communication and engagement in Indigenous contexts and apply ethical practice to work for and with Indigenous Australians

Dual program of study

MBA students have an attractive opportunity to obtain two top-quality, internationally recognised degrees. After successfully completing the program, participants receive two degrees: Master of Business Administration (C04018) from UTS and Master in Strategy, Innovation, and Management Control from Vienna University of Economics and Business (WU).

The Double Degree Program takes two years to complete. Students complete the first year at UTS and the second year at WU. Applicants are selected based on academic merit, past work and extracurricular experiences. Further information, including about the application process, is available from Global Exchange at UTS.

Admission requirements

To be eligible for admission to this course, applicants must meet the following criteria.

Applicants must have one of the following:

  • Completed Australian graduate certificate or higher qualification, or overseas equivalent, with more than 75% of all subjects completed at pass level (conceded pass not included)


  • Completed Australian bachelor's degree, or overseas equivalent, with a minimum GPA of 5.25/7 with more than 90% of all subjects completed at pass level (conceded pass not included)


  • Completed Australian bachelor's degree, or overseas equivalent, with more than 75% of all subjects completed at pass level (conceded pass not included) and one of the following:
    • A minimum of 4 years full-time or equivalent part-time, relevant post-secondary professional experience
    • Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) overall minimum score of 550

Applicants who do not meet the criteria above should consider applying for C06009 Graduate Diploma in Business Administration or C11008 Graduate Certificate in Business Administration.

Supporting documentation to be submitted with the application

For applicants who need to demonstrate work experience:

  • Curriculum Vitae AND Statement of service in one of the following formats:
    • A 'Statement of Service' provided by the employer
    • A completed 'UTS statement of service’ signed by the employer
    • A statutory declaration confirming work experience (for Australian Residents only)
    • An official letter from the applicant’s accountant or solicitor on their company letterhead confirming the applicant’s work experience or engagement with the business, duration of operations, and the nature of the business
    • A business certificate of registration in original language and English (e.g. provision of ASIC documentation or ABN or similar documentation for Australian Businesses)

The English proficiency requirement for international students or local applicants with international qualifications is: IELTS Academic: 6.5 overall with a writing score of 6.0; or TOEFL iBT: 79-93 overall with a writing score of 21; or AE5: Pass; or PTE: 58-64 with a writing score of 50; or C1A/C2P: 176-184 with a writing score of 169.

Eligibility for admission does not guarantee offer of a place.

International students

Visa requirement: To obtain a student visa to study in Australia, international students must enrol full time and on campus. Australian student visa regulations also require international students studying on student visas to complete the course within the standard full-time duration. Students can extend their courses only in exceptional circumstances.

Pathway course

Students who do not meet the requirements to gain entry into the Master of Business Administration (MBA) may be eligible for entry into the Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (C11008) or the Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (C06009). Satisfactory completion of the UTS Graduate Certificate, or satisfactory completion of the UTS Graduate Diploma, allows students to articulate into the MBA.

Inherent requirements

Inherent requirements are academic and non-academic requirements that are essential to the successful completion of a course. For more information about inherent requirements and where prospective and current students can get assistance and advice regarding these, see the UTS Inherent requirements page.

Prospective and current students should carefully read the Inherent Requirements Statement below and consider whether they might experience challenges in successfully completing this course.

UTS will make reasonable adjustments to teaching and learning, assessment, professional experiences, course related work experience and other course activities to facilitate maximum participation by students with disabilities, carer responsibilities, and religious or cultural obligations in their courses.

For course specific information see the UTS Business School Inherent Requirements Statement.

Recognition of prior learning

Students may be granted a maximum of eight subjects exemption, of which four core subjects may be approved from prior undergraduate study. For more information about the application process, see How to Apply for Recognition of Prior Learning.

Course duration and attendance

The MBA is normally completed in two years of full-time or four years of part-time study. Completion time may be accelerated by undertaking subjects in intensive mode during Summer session. Classes for core subjects are held during the day as well as in the evening.

Course structure

The course comprises 96 credit points, made up of six compulsory core subjects (totalling 36 credit points) and ten elective subjects (totalling 60 credit points).

Electives can be taken in one of three ways: as one major (six subjects, totalling 36 credit points) and one sub-major or electives (totalling 24 credit points), as two sub-majors (24 credit points for each sub-major) and two electives (12 credit points), or as one sub-major (24 credit points), plus six mixed electives (36 credit points).

Course completion requirements

STM91458 Core subjects MBA 36cp
CBK92275 Major + sub-major/Major + four electives/Two sub-majors + two electives/Sub-majo 60cp
Total 96cp

Course diagram

Course diagram: C04018

Course program

A typical course program is provided below, showing a suggested study sequence. Most of the core subjects are offered in both Autumn and Spring sessions. Each student's course program depends on the major, sub-majors and electives selected. Available majors and sub-majors are also listed.

Students who are seeking accounting accreditation must substitute subject 22747 Accounting for Managerial Decisions in place of 22800 Understanding Accounting and Financial Reports in the MBA Core (STM91458) via an e-Request.

Students who select electives in the course may undertake 26792 Field Study Immersion (involves overseas travel) or 27769 Professional Internship for Graduates (internship experience). Refer to the subject description for additional information and enrolment requirements.

Professional Accounting major and Extension submajor, full time
Year 1
Autumn session
21880 Leading People and Change   6cp
22747 Accounting for Managerial Decisions   6cp
24834 Marketing Decision Making   6cp
25799 Finance for Managers   6cp
Spring session
23709 Economics for Management   6cp
22748 Financial Reporting and Analysis   6cp
22753 Cost Management and Analysis   6cp
22754 Corporate Accounting   6cp
Year 2
Autumn session
79708 Contemporary Business Law   6cp
22705 Management Planning and Control   6cp
22743 Business Analysis and Valuation   6cp
Select 6 credit points from the following:   6cp
22798 Accounting Ethics and Governance 6cp  
22708 Accounting Information Systems 6cp  
22759 Accounting and ERP 6cp  
22787 Business Project Management 6cp  
22799 Forensic Accounting 6cp  
22777 International Accounting 6cp  
Spring session
22803 Quantitative Skills in Accounting and Finance   6cp
22730 Auditing and Assurance Services   6cp
77938 Introduction to Taxation Law   6cp
21715 Strategic Management   6cp
Finance major, full time
Year 1
Autumn session
21880 Leading People and Change   6cp
22800 Understanding Accounting and Financial Reports   6cp
24834 Marketing Decision Making   6cp
25799 Finance for Managers   6cp
Spring session
23709 Economics for Management   6cp
25741 Capital Markets   6cp
25705 Financial Modelling and Analysis   6cp
25721 Investment Management   6cp
Year 2
Autumn session
25858 Ethics and Governance in Finance   6cp
Select 18 credit points of options   18cp
Spring session
21715 Strategic Management   6cp
Select 18 credit points of options   18cp
Marketing major, full time
Year 1
Autumn session
21880 Leading People and Change   6cp
22800 Understanding Accounting and Financial Reports   6cp
24834 Marketing Decision Making   6cp
25799 Finance for Managers   6cp
Spring session
23709 Economics for Management   6cp
24710 Customer Experience and Behaviour   6cp
24761 Data-Driven Insights   6cp
Select 6 credit points of options   6cp
Year 2
Autumn session
24730 Marketing Strategy and Leadership   6cp
24736 Marketing Communications   6cp
Select 12 credit points of options   12cp
Spring session
21715 Strategic Management   6cp
Select 18 credit points of options   18cp
Financial Analysis major, full time
Year 1
Autumn session
21880 Leading People and Change   6cp
22800 Understanding Accounting and Financial Reports   6cp
24834 Marketing Decision Making   6cp
25799 Finance for Managers   6cp
Spring session
23709 Economics for Management   6cp
25741 Capital Markets   6cp
25705 Financial Modelling and Analysis   6cp
25765 Corporate Finance   6cp
Year 2
Autumn session
25721 Investment Management   6cp
25743 Advanced Corporate Valuation   6cp
Select 12 credit points of options   12cp
Spring session
22748 Financial Reporting and Analysis   6cp
21715 Strategic Management   6cp
Select 12 credit points of options   12cp
International Business major, full time
Year 1
Autumn session
21880 Leading People and Change   6cp
22800 Understanding Accounting and Financial Reports   6cp
24834 Marketing Decision Making   6cp
25799 Finance for Managers   6cp
Spring session
23709 Economics for Management   6cp
21832 Organisational Sustainability: Analysis and Practice   6cp
Select 12 credit points of options   12cp
Year 2
Autumn session
21811 Global Strategic Management   6cp
21741 Operations and Quality Management   6cp
24738 International and Cross-Cultural Marketing   6cp
Select 6 credit points of options   6cp
Spring session
21854 Creative Problem Solving   6cp
21717 Managing in a Multicultural World   6cp
21715 Strategic Management   6cp
Select 6 credit points of options   6cp
Human Resource Management major, full time
Year 1
Autumn session
21880 Leading People and Change   6cp
22800 Understanding Accounting and Financial Reports   6cp
24834 Marketing Decision Making   6cp
25799 Finance for Managers   6cp
Spring session
23709 Economics for Management   6cp
21702 Industrial Relations   6cp
21926 Managing Change   6cp
21889 Future of Work   6cp
Year 2
Autumn session
21720 Human Resource Management   6cp
21896 Diversity and Inclusion   6cp
21928 Managing Staff and Volunteers   6cp
Select 6 credit points of options   6cp
Spring session
21715 Strategic Management   6cp
Select 18 credit points of options   18cp
Management major, full time
Year 1
Autumn session
21880 Leading People and Change   6cp
22800 Understanding Accounting and Financial Reports   6cp
24834 Marketing Decision Making   6cp
25799 Finance for Managers   6cp
Spring session
23709 Economics for Management   6cp
21717 Managing in a Multicultural World   6cp
21926 Managing Change   6cp
Select 6 credit points of options   6cp
Year 2
Autumn session
21741 Operations and Quality Management   6cp
21720 Human Resource Management   6cp
21811 Global Strategic Management   6cp
21896 Diversity and Inclusion   6cp
Spring session
21715 Strategic Management   6cp
Select 18 credit points of options   18cp
Operations and Supply Chain major, full time
Year 1
Autumn session
21880 Leading People and Change   6cp
22800 Understanding Accounting and Financial Reports   6cp
24834 Marketing Decision Making   6cp
25799 Finance for Managers   6cp
Spring session
23709 Economics for Management   6cp
Select 18 credit points of options   18cp
Year 2
Autumn session
21741 Operations and Quality Management   6cp
21797 Strategic Supply Chain Management   6cp
Select 12 credit points of options   12cp
Spring session
21715 Strategic Management   6cp
Select 18 credit points of options   18cp
Two sub-majors + two electives/Submajor + six electives, full time
Year 1
Autumn session
21880 Leading People and Change   6cp
22800 Understanding Accounting and Financial Reports   6cp
24834 Marketing Decision Making   6cp
25799 Finance for Managers   6cp
Spring session
23709 Economics for Management   6cp
Select 18 credit points of options   18cp
Year 2
Autumn session
Select 24 credit points of options   24cp
Spring session
21715 Strategic Management   6cp
Select 18 credit points of options   18cp
List of majors
MAJ02902 Information Technology   36cp
MAJ08983 Financial Analysis   36cp
MAJ08984 Finance   36cp
MAJ08985 Management   36cp
MAJ08986 International Business   36cp
MAJ08987 Marketing   36cp
MAJ08988 Professional Accounting   36cp
MAJ08989 Human Resource Management   36cp
MAJ08990 Operations and Supply Chain   36cp
MAJ08991 Technology Management   36cp
MAJ09446 Business Law   36cp
MAJ10057 Project Management   36cp
List of sub-majors
SMJ08098 Accounting Information Systems   24cp
SMJ09037 Business Law   24cp
SMJ08075 Engineering Management   24cp
SMJ08213 Event Management   24cp
SMJ08147 Finance   24cp
SMJ08066 Human Resources Management   24cp
SMJ02038 Information Technology   24cp
SMJ08148 International Business   24cp
SMJ10028 International Exchange   24cp
SMJ08208 Management   24cp
SMJ08084 Marketing   24cp
SMJ08111 Marketing Research   24cp
SMJ08209 Not-for-Profit Management and Social Impact Sub-major MBA   24cp
SMJ08037 Operations and Supply Chain   24cp
SMJ08086 Project Management   24cp
SMJ08153 Strategic Communication   24cp
SMJ08155 Sport Management   24cp
SMJ08038 Strategic Management   24cp
SMJ08205 Strategic Marketing   24cp
SMJ10087 Sustainable Enterprise and Responsible Management   24cp
SMJ10161 Professional Accounting Extension   24cp
SMJ10076 Local Government Leadership   24cp
SMJ10213 Entrepreneurship sub-major   24cp

Articulation with UTS courses

This course is part of an articulated program comprising the Graduate Certificate in Business Administration (C11008), the Graduate Diploma in Business Administration (C06009), and the Master of Business Administration (MBA).

Professional recognition

Accounting: CPA Australia (CPAA); Chartered Accountants of Australia and New Zealand (CAANZ); Institute of Public Accountants (IPA)

The MBA with Professional Accounting (MAJ08988) major and Professional Accounting Extension (SMJ10161) sub-major meets the formal academic requirements for associate membership of CPA Australia and the CAANZ. In order to meet the educational requirements for membership of CPA Australia and the CAANZ, students must also substitute subject 22747 Accounting for Managerial Decisions in place of 22800 Understanding Accounting and Financial Reports in the MBA Core (STM91458) to qualify for accounting accreditation.

Finance: Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA)

Completion of the course meets the education requirements for Affiliate membership and, in conjunction with work experience, the requirements for Associate membership with the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (FINSIA).

Human Resources: Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI)

Students completing this degree with a major in human resource management are eligible to apply to the Australian Human Resources Institute (AHRI) for the professional member (MAHRI) status.

Project Management: The MBA with a major in Project Management is accredited by the PMI Global Accreditation Centre for Project Management Education Programs (GAC).

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