University of Technology Sydney

C04007v7 Master of Planning

Award(s): Master of Planning (MPlan)
CRICOS code: 064794J
Commonwealth supported place?: Yes
Load credit points: 72
Course EFTSL: 1.5
Location: City campus


Students who do not meet the admission requirements below may begin with the Graduate Certificate and progress to the Master of Planning.

Graduate Certificate in Planning --> Master of Planning

Commonwealth Supported Places

There are a limited number of Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) within this course that are competitive and allocated on merit. Applicants must indicate on their application if they wish to be considered for a CSP.

As applications are assessed progressively, applicants are strongly encouraged to apply early to be considered. Eligible applicants must accept their offer by the lapse date to retain their place.

  • Autumn 2024 closing dates:
    • Round 1: Sunday 26 November 2023
    • Round 2: Sunday 21 January 2024 (if places are available)
  • Spring 2024 closing dates:
    • Round 1: Sunday 26 May 2024
    • Round 2: Sunday 23 June 2024 (if places are available)

Refer to Postgraduate courses with Commonwealth Supported Places for more information.

Course aims
Career options
Course intended learning outcomes
Admission requirements
Inherent requirements
Recognition of prior learning
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Articulation with UTS courses
Professional recognition
Other information


The Master of Planning provides a new career path for design, planning and property professionals, equipping graduates with a broad understanding of planning issues alongside the negotiation skills and creative thinking required to resolve them.

Whereas planning has often been seen as an approval process, UTS approaches the discipline as a critical task, one that connects communities with governments, institutions and developers.

Through this course, students proactively engage with policy, environmental and demographic frameworks to understand how planning decisions shape the urban environment over the long term. This engagement is multidisciplinary, spanning planning, urban design, property, architecture/landscape architecture, economics, spatial analysis, law and urban ecology.

With UTS, the Master of Planning may also be studied as a combined degree incorporating property development, the UTS Master of Property Development and Planning.

Course aims

The degree has both a strong sustainability focus and an emphasis on the property development cycle. Students learn about land markets and feasibility studies, and acquire the technical skills to perform complex and evidence-based forecasting. They also learn how to conduct large scale structure planning and design master planned developments for communities.

Students achieve these outcomes by applying theory to real-world scenarios in real-world learning environments, including peer-led, multidisciplinary teamwork and discussions, case studies and field trips, with opportunities to travel internationally.

Career options

The degree enables professionals to change careers due to the multidisciplinary nature of the learning. Graduates are in public sector positions, including working for state and local government, and in private consulting and property development firms. There are also careers in strategic planning on major developments and projects, master planning with financial analysis, and the increasingly important area of sub-regional planning.

Course intended learning outcomes

A.1 Enable reflective practice on one's personal views and values and interpret how they might affect one's professional judgement
A.2 Demonstrate ethical responsibilities of professional planners and critically evaluate the ethical implications of complex problems
A.3 Evaluate the history of disadvantage and inequality in societies (in an Australian context this would apply in particular to Indigenous Peoples) and formulate a reasoned argument for how planners should address significant social inequalities
C.1 Work effectively in teams of people with diverse professional and personal backgrounds
C.2 Communicate with people with a wide variety of cultural, social, economic, and political perspectives using verbal, written, and visual media
C.3 Determine sources of conflict and apply conflict negotiation strategies appropriately
I.1 Develop creative solutions to complex problems based on research and evaluation
I.2 Apply urban design principles to develop creative solutions for urban problems
P.1 Investigate strategically the future of cities and regions and identify the drivers of change
P.2 Articulate how and why the role of planning has evolved in response to new social, cultural, economic, and political forces
P.3 Apply a wide array of analytic tools (which may include spreadsheets, geographic information software, three-dimensional simulations, or negotiation tools) to determine constraints and opportunities
P.4 Prepare and critique plans based on a broad understanding of urban and regional and environmental dynamics, and analyse alternatives
P.5 Develop and apply the principles of urban design to analyse places
P.6 Determine the legal and policy context within which planning and environmental protection occurs, the nature of land rights and claims of Indigenous Peoples in Australian cities, and the role of various levels and agencies of government
P.7 Explore the principles of environmental, economic and social sustainability and apply them to analysing and developing plans
P.8 Analyse dynamics driving land and property markets and articulate this to planning proposals
R.1 Evaluate a complex problem and frame a research question to address the problem
R.2 Design and conduct a research project to identify and evaluate alternative strategies to resolve a complex problem
R.3 Interpret spatial relationships and evaluate the spatial and physical impacts of proposals
R.4 Determine the sources, limitations, and relationships of different data used to analyse problems and evaluate solutions
R.5 Develop coherent and logically structured arguments that use evidence appropriately
R.6 Determine risk assessment principles and apply them to simulating future courses of action

Admission requirements

Applicants must have completed a UTS recognised bachelor's degree, or an equivalent or higher qualification, or submitted other evidence of general and professional qualifications that demonstrates potential to pursue graduate studies.

Pathway 1

  1. Applicants with a Bachelor degree or Master degree, the qualification must be in one of the following field of education:
  • Architecture and Urban Environment (Architecture, Urban Design and Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, Interior and Environmental Design, Architecture and Urban Environment, not elsewhere classified, e.g. building conservation, property development), Building Surveying, Building Construction Economics, Valuation, Human Geography, Geomatic Engineering (Surveying, Mapping Science, Geomatic Engineering not elsewhere classified, e.g. Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Land Information Systems (LIS), Photogrammetry, Remote sensing, Spatial Information Systems (SIS)), Environmental Studies (Land, Parks and Wildlife Management, Environmental Studies not elsewhere classified, e.g. environmental impact assessment, environmental science, land conservation, soil conservation), Law, Economics and Econometrics, Real Estate; OR
  • Completed UTS Bachelor of Property Economics.

Applicants holding a UTS Graduate Certificate or UTS Graduate Diploma.

  • The qualification must be at credit average or above in one of the following:
    • UTS Graduate Certificate in Planning
    • UTS Graduate Certificate in Property and Planning
    • UTS Graduate Certificate in Property Development
    • UTS Graduate Diploma in Planning
    • UTS Graduate Diploma in Property Development
    • UTS Graduate Certificate in Urban Planning and Design (Online)
    • UTS Graduate Diploma in Urban Planning (Online)
    • UTS Graduate Diploma in Urban Design (Online)
    • UTS Graduate Certificate in Property Development (Online)
    • UTS Graduate Diploma in Property Development (Online)

Pathway 2

For applicants without a Bachelor degree but holding a Graduate Certificate or Graduate Diploma not listed above:

  • The qualification must be at credit average or above, in one of the following fields of education: Architecture and Urban Environment (Architecture, Urban Design and Regional Planning, Landscape Architecture, Interior and Environmental Design, Architecture and Urban Environment, not elsewhere classified, e.g. building conservation, property development), Building Surveying, Building Construction Economics, Valuation, Human Geography, Geomatic Engineering (Surveying, Mapping Science, Geomatic Engineering not elsewhere classified, e.g. Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Land Information Systems (LIS), Photogrammetry, Remote sensing, Spatial Information Systems (SIS)), Environmental Studies (Land, Parks and Wildlife Management, Environmental Studies not elsewhere classified, e.g. environmental impact assessment, environmental science, land conservation, soil conservation), Law, Economics and Econometrics, Real Estate; AND
  • applicants should provide a CV (maximum 3 pages) outlining at least three (3) years full-time, or equivalent part-time, work experience* in a ‘cognate discipline’ listed above; AND
  • a 300-word personal statement clearly articulating their work experience* related to urban planning and explaining their reasons to study the Master of Planning.

Pathway 3

For applicants with a Bachelor degree or Master degree not in a field of education listed in pathway 1:

  • applicants should have at least three (3) years full-time, or equivalent part-time, work experience in one of the fields listed under pathway 1; AND
  • applicants should provide a CV (maximum 3 pages) outlining at least three years full-time, or equivalent part-time, work experience* in a ‘cognate discipline’ listed above; AND
  • a 300-word personal statement clearly articulating their work experience* related to urban planning and explaining their reasons to study the Master of Planning.

*Work experience is not restricted to Australia. It can be for anywhere in the world within the relevant cognate field.

The English proficiency requirement for international students or local applicants with international qualifications is: IELTS Academic: 6.5 overall with a writing score of 6.0; or TOEFL internet based: 79-93 overall with a writing score of 21; or AE5: Pass; or PTE: 58-64 with a writing score of 50; or C1A/C2P: 176-184 with a writing score of 169.

Eligibility for admission does not guarantee offer of a place.

International students

Visa requirement: To obtain a student visa to study in Australia, international students must enrol full time and on campus. Australian student visa regulations also require international students studying on student visas to complete the course within the standard full-time duration. Students can extend their courses only in exceptional circumstances.

Inherent requirements

Inherent requirements are academic and non-academic requirements that are essential to the successful completion of a course. For more information about inherent requirements and where prospective and current students can get assistance and advice regarding these, see the UTS Inherent requirements page.

Prospective and current students should carefully read the Inherent Requirements Statement below and consider whether they might experience challenges in successfully completing this course.

UTS will make reasonable adjustments to teaching and learning, assessment, professional experiences, course related work experience and other course activities to facilitate maximum participation by students with disabilities, carer responsibilities, and religious or cultural obligations in their courses.

For course specific information see the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building Inherent (Essential) Requirements Statement.

Recognition of prior learning

Exemptions of up to 24 credit points will be given for equivalent prior learning. Students who have completed the UTS Bachelor of Property Economics with a SMJ04024 Planning sub-major will be given up to 24 credit points of exemptions.

Course duration and attendance

The course is offered on a one-and-a-half-year, full-time or three-year, part-time basis.

Subjects are offered in blocks, ranging from two to two-and-a-half full days, with a typical subject composed of two blocks. This facilitates interaction and teamwork, and meets the needs of busy professionals and those living outside Sydney.

Course structure

The course requires the completion of 72 credit points.

Course completion requirements

STM90502 Core subjects (Planning PG) 24cp
STM90503 Level 2 core subjects (Planning) 24cp
CBK90597 Options (Planning) Level 3 24cp
Total 72cp

Course program

The examples below show full-time and part-time programs for students choosing the combined or major project options.

Minor project and electives option, Autumn commencing, full time
Year 1
Autumn session
15142 Property Development Process   6cp
17700 Planning and Environmental Law   6cp
15222 Urban Design   6cp
15146 Sustainable Urban Development   6cp
Spring session
15301 Planning Theory and Decision Making   6cp
15144 Group Project B: Greenfields Development   6cp
15145 Development Negotiation and Community Engagement   6cp
Select 6 credit points of options   6cp
Year 2
Autumn session
15143 Group Project A: Urban Renewal   6cp
15241 Urban Economics and Infrastructure Planning   6cp
15345 Minor Project   6cp
15251 Spatial Analysis in Planning and Property   6cp
Major project option, Autumn commencing, full time
Year 1
Autumn session
15142 Property Development Process   6cp
15146 Sustainable Urban Development   6cp
15222 Urban Design   6cp
17700 Planning and Environmental Law   6cp
Spring session
15302 Major Project: Methods   6cp
15144 Group Project B: Greenfields Development   6cp
15301 Planning Theory and Decision Making   6cp
15145 Development Negotiation and Community Engagement   6cp
Year 2
Autumn session
15143 Group Project A: Urban Renewal   6cp
15241 Urban Economics and Infrastructure Planning   6cp
15904 Major Project: Analysis and Outcomes   6cp
15251 Spatial Analysis in Planning and Property   6cp
Minor project and electives option, Autumn commencing, part time
Year 1
Autumn session
15222 Urban Design   6cp
15146 Sustainable Urban Development   6cp
Spring session
15142 Property Development Process   6cp
17700 Planning and Environmental Law   6cp
Year 2
Autumn session
15241 Urban Economics and Infrastructure Planning   6cp
15251 Spatial Analysis in Planning and Property   6cp
Spring session
15144 Group Project B: Greenfields Development   6cp
15145 Development Negotiation and Community Engagement   6cp
Year 3
Autumn session
15143 Group Project A: Urban Renewal   6cp
Select 6 credit points of options   6cp
Spring session
15345 Minor Project   6cp
15301 Planning Theory and Decision Making   6cp
Minor project and electives option, Spring commencing, part time
Year 1
Spring session
15142 Property Development Process   6cp
17700 Planning and Environmental Law   6cp
Year 2
Autumn session
15146 Sustainable Urban Development   6cp
15222 Urban Design   6cp
Spring session
15144 Group Project B: Greenfields Development   6cp
15145 Development Negotiation and Community Engagement   6cp
Year 3
Autumn session
15241 Urban Economics and Infrastructure Planning   6cp
15251 Spatial Analysis in Planning and Property   6cp
Spring session
15301 Planning Theory and Decision Making   6cp
Select 6 credit points of options   6cp
Year 4
Autumn session
15345 Minor Project   6cp
15143 Group Project A: Urban Renewal   6cp
Major project option, Autumn commencing, part time
Year 1
Autumn session
15222 Urban Design   6cp
15146 Sustainable Urban Development   6cp
Spring session
15142 Property Development Process   6cp
17700 Planning and Environmental Law   6cp
Year 2
Autumn session
15241 Urban Economics and Infrastructure Planning   6cp
15251 Spatial Analysis in Planning and Property   6cp
Spring session
15144 Group Project B: Greenfields Development   6cp
15145 Development Negotiation and Community Engagement   6cp
Year 3
Autumn session
15143 Group Project A: Urban Renewal   6cp
15302 Major Project: Methods   6cp
Spring session
15904 Major Project: Analysis and Outcomes   6cp
15301 Planning Theory and Decision Making   6cp
Major project option, Spring commencing, part time
Year 1
Spring session
15142 Property Development Process   6cp
17700 Planning and Environmental Law   6cp
Year 2
Autumn session
15146 Sustainable Urban Development   6cp
15222 Urban Design   6cp
Spring session
15144 Group Project B: Greenfields Development   6cp
15145 Development Negotiation and Community Engagement   6cp
Year 3
Autumn session
15241 Urban Economics and Infrastructure Planning   6cp
15251 Spatial Analysis in Planning and Property   6cp
Spring session
15301 Planning Theory and Decision Making   6cp
15302 Major Project: Methods   6cp
Year 4
Autumn session
15143 Group Project A: Urban Renewal   6cp
15904 Major Project: Analysis and Outcomes   6cp

Articulation with UTS courses

This course is part of an articulated program comprising the Graduate Certificate in Planning (C11270), the Graduate Diploma in Planning (C07002) and the Master of Planning.

Professional recognition

This program is accredited by the Planning Institute of Australia.

Other information

Further information is available from the UTS Student Centre on:

telephone 1300 ask UTS (1300 275 887)
or +61 2 9514 1222
UTS: Design, Architecture and Building