University of Technology Sydney

42824 Environmental Noise and Planning



The focus of the microcredential is on the assessment, regulation and management of noise impacts (and not on the physics of noise generation and measurement). After a very short introduction to fundamentals of acoustics, the microcredential focuses on introducing how a Noise Impact Assessment is developed, determine which noise policy documents are applicable to a project, understand the assumptions that have been made and predictions calculated, assess the reasonableness and feasibility of any mitigation measures proposed, and set practical noise objectives.

Acoustical fundamentals presented conceptually, rather than mathematically, means a strong mathematical background is not required. Some tips and ‘rules-of-thumb’ are explained so that participants are able to make more robust judgements regarding noise impacts.

The microcredential is for non-acousticians who as part of their work or study need to be able to interpret a specialist Noise Impact Assessment Report and assess the impacts of environmental noise and vibration resulting from existing or proposed projects.

Detailed subject description.

Access conditions

Note: The requisite information presented in this subject description covers only academic requisites. Full details of all enforced rules, covering both academic and admission requisites, are available at access conditions and My Student Admin.