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UTS: Handbook 2016

Disclaimer: The online handbook gets updated on a weekly basis and as such the information could be out of date by up to a week.

Students should rely on the information published in the handbook that was current at the census date relevant to the student's admission into the course (see archived handbooks) and any applicable transition arrangements as prescribed in rule 3.6 of the Student and Related Rules.

Prospective students should verify information which pertains to them by contacting a UTS Student Centre before making any enrolment or other related decisions.

The UTS: Handbook is the authoritative source of information on approved courses and subjects offered at UTS. It includes important information for all UTS students, information for students studying within each faculty, and comprehensive details about course content and structure, subject and elective choices, attendance patterns, and credit-point requirements.

All students are advised to read and become familiar with the general information section for all UTS students, in addition to their course and course area-specific information. Students should also read and be familiar with the rules and policies of the University.

UTS offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, developed in the following course areas:

Print handbook

From the 2013 edition, there is no longer a print UTS: Handbook.


View the archived online editions.

ISSN: 1446-0858