University of Technology, Sydney

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SMJ09048 Transnational Studies

This sub-major focuses on the global arena. How can we understand contemporary global politics? How did our current world system come to be this way? How are ideas and news about the world circulated and consumed? The three subjects in this sub-major combine politics and international relations, cultural history, media studies and other disciplines to investigate how people, nations, governments, empires, and the media have created and recreated the global world we live in.

The first subject introduces students to the global politics of power, through a variety of lenses, from 'above' and from 'below'. Students then analyse the networks of colonial expansion and the resistance to it, with particular attention to gendered, intimate and everyday relationships. These are related directly to the 'post-colonial' world, where power is no longer centred on imperial heartlands. In the third subject students explore the phenomenon of transnational media as it builds on new technologies and adapts the old, both as media empire and as citizen media, or social media.

Further information on this sub-major can be found at:

Completion requirements

58222  Global Politics from Above and Below  8cp
58316  Sex, Race and Empire  8cp
58317  Transnational Media  8cp
Total  24cp