University of Technology, Sydney

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MAJ01107 Marine Biology

This major focuses on how the marine environment works and how it can be better managed. Students gain a thorough understanding of the way plants, animals and micro-organisms function in marine ecosystems, including estuarine, shelf and open ocean ranging from tropical, temperate and polar environments.

Core study areas include coral reef ecosystems, environmental protection and management, fisheries resources, marine geoscience, plant physiology and ecophysiology, marine communities and animal behaviour and physiology.

Students learn these concepts and skills through a dynamic combination of theory, laboratory experiences and field trips.

Students also gain skills to detect and assess detrimental impacts on these marine environments resulting from anthropogenic sources and climate changes covered.

Professional recognition: Australasian Marine Science Association.

Completion requirements

STM90739  Core disciplinary subjects (Environmental Biology)  36cp
Select one of the following:  6cp
      66513  Marine Geosciences 6cp 
      91118  Fisheries Resources 6cp 
91126  Coral Reef Ecosystems  6cp
91156  Marine Primary Producers  6cp
91157  Marine Communities  6cp
CBK90577  Sub-major/Electives (Environmental Science)  24cp
91363  Animal Behaviour and Physiology  6cp
91270  Plant Physiology and Ecophysiology  6cp
Total  96cp