University of Technology, Sydney

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CBK90711 Choice

Select 48 credit points from the following options:  48cp
77898  Patent Law 6cp 
77889  Trade Marks Law 6cp 
77894  Drafting of Patent Specifications 6cp 
77890  Trade Marks Practice 6cp 
77891  Patent Systems 6cp 
77895  Interpretation and Validity of Patent Specifications 6cp 
77893  Designs Law and Practice 6cp 
78015  Global Aspects of Intellectual Property Law 6cp 
77903  Copyright Law 6cp 
77740  Research Paper 6cp 
78188  Intellectual Property Commercialisation 6cp 
77905  Preparing for Intellectual Property Practice 6cp 
78186  Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge 6cp 
Total  48cp