University of Technology, Sydney

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CBK90011 Electives

Select 24 credit points from the following options:  24cp
48023  Programming Fundamentals 6cp 
48024  Applications Programming 6cp 
48080  Introduction to Innovation 6cp 
48221  Engineering Computations 6cp 
48330  Soil Behaviour 6cp 
48331  Mechanics of Solids 6cp 
48340  Construction 6cp 
48349  Structural Analysis 6cp 
48350  Environmental and Sanitation Engineering 6cp 
48352  Construction Materials 6cp 
48360  Geotechnical Engineering 6cp 
48362  Hydraulics and Hydrology 6cp 
48370  Road and Transport Engineering 6cp 
48389  Computer Modelling and Design 6cp 
48430  Embedded C 6cp 
48433  Software Architecture 6cp 
48434  Embedded Software 6cp 
48440  Software Engineering Practice 6cp 
48441  Introductory Digital Systems 6cp 
48450  Real-time Operating Systems 6cp 
48451  Advanced Digital Systems 6cp 
48510  Introduction to Electrical Engineering 6cp 
48520  Electronics and Circuits 6cp 
48530  Circuit Analysis 6cp 
48531  Electromechanical Automation 6cp 
48540  Signals and Systems 6cp 
48541  Signal Theory 6cp 
48550  Renewable Energy Systems 6cp 
48551  Analog Electronics 6cp 
48560  Introductory Control 6cp 
48561  Power Electronics and Drives 6cp 
48570  Data Acquisition and Distribution 6cp 
48610  Introduction to Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering 6cp 
48620  Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering 6cp 
48621  Manufacturing Engineering 6cp 
48622  Mechatronics 1 6cp 
48623  Mechatronics 2 6cp 
48640  Machine Dynamics 6cp 
48641  Fluid Mechanics 6cp 
48642  Strength of Engineering Materials 6cp 
48650  Mechanical Design 2 6cp 
48651  Thermodynamics 6cp 
48660  Dynamics and Control 6cp 
48661  Heat Transfer 6cp 
48662  Mechanical Applications 6cp 
48663  Advanced Manufacturing 6cp 
48670  Mechanical and Mechatronic Design 6cp 
48720  Network Fundamentals 6cp 
48730  Network Security 6cp 
48740  Communications Networks 6cp 
48750  Network Planning and Management 6cp 
48770  Continuous Communications 6cp 
48771  Discrete Communications 6cp 
48780  Mobile Communications 6cp 
48840  Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering 6cp 
48850  Environmental Planning and Law 6cp 
48860  Pollution Control and Waste Management 6cp 
48353  Concrete Design 6cp 
48366  Steel and Timber Design 6cp 
48371  Advanced Engineering Computing 6cp 
48372  Water Quantity and Quality Processes 6cp 
48821  Ecological Engineering 6cp 
48881  Water and Environmental Design 6cp 
65111  Chemistry 1 6cp 
48521  Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering 6cp 
48571  Electrical Machines 6cp 
48572  Power Circuit Theory 6cp 
48580  Advanced Control 6cp 
48581  Digital Electronics 6cp 
48582  Power Systems Analysis and Design 6cp 
48583  Power Systems Operation and Protection 6cp 
48600  Mechanical Design 1 6cp 
48601  Mechanical Vibration and Measurement 6cp 
49006  Risk Management in Engineering 6cp 
49016  Technology and Innovation Management 6cp 
49047  Finite Element Analysis 6cp 
49049  Air and Noise Pollution 6cp 
49102  Traffic and Transportation 6cp 
49106  Road Engineering Practice 6cp 
49107  Urban Stormwater Design 6cp 
49108  Local Government Powers and Practice 6cp 
49109  Engineered Natural Water Treatment Systems 6cp 
49115  Facade Engineering 6cp 
49117  Floodplain Risk Management in NSW 6cp 
49121  Environmental Assessment and Planning 6cp 
49122  Ecology and Sustainability 6cp 
49123  Waste and Pollution Management 6cp 
49124  Water Quality Management 6cp 
49125  Environmental Risk Assessment 6cp 
49126  Environmental Management of Land 6cp 
49131  Bridge Design 6cp 
49133  Steel and Composite Design 6cp 
49134  Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 6cp 
49135  Wind Engineering 6cp 
49136  Application of Timber in Engineering Structures 6cp 
49150  Prestressed Concrete Design 6cp 
49151  Concrete Technology and Practice 6cp 
49225  Software Project Management 6cp 
49247  Object-oriented Technology 6cp 
49261  Biomedical Instrumentation 6cp 
49262  Web Technologies 6cp 
49274  Advanced Robotics 6cp 
49275  Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic 6cp 
49285  Emergency Management 6cp 
49286  Vehicle Design 6cp 
49307  Internal Combustion Engines 6cp 
49316  Materials Handling 6cp 
49321  Energy Conversion 6cp 
49322  Airconditioning 6cp 
49323  Vibration Analysis 6cp 
49325  Computer-aided Mechanical Design 6cp 
49328  Turbomachines 6cp 
49329  Control of Mechatronic Systems 6cp 
49330  Sensors and Signal Processing 6cp 
49928  Design Optimisation for Manufacturing 6cp 
49118  Applied Geotechnics 6cp 
48033  Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology and Applications 6cp 
49255  Catchment Modelling 6cp 
49256  Flood Estimation 6cp 
49257  Geographic Information Systems 6cp 
49048  Wireless Networking Technologies 6cp 
49110  3G Mobile Communication Systems 6cp 
49201  Integrated Services Networks 6cp 
49202  Communication Protocols 6cp 
49205  Transmission Systems 6cp 
49223  Satellite Communication Systems 6cp 
49119  Problematic Soils and Ground Improvement Techniques 6cp 
49254  Advanced Soil Mechanics and Foundation Design 6cp 
49258  Pavement Analysis and Design 6cp 
49312  Advanced Flow Modelling 6cp 
49116  Contaminated Site and Waste Remediation 6cp 
49127  On-site Water and Wastewater Treatment 6cp 
41101  Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering 6cp 
41105  Biomedical Signal and Image Processing 6cp 
42001  Bioinformatics 6cp 
42902  Interior Routing and High Availability 6cp 
42903  Multi Protocol Label Switching 6cp 
49215  Telecommunications Industry Management 6cp 
49227  Wireless Sensor Networks 6cp 
49238  Telecommunication Networks Management 6cp 
48721  Strategic e-Business Technologies 6cp 
42890  4G Mobile Technologies 6cp 
Total  24cp