Select 24 credit points from the following options: | | | 24cp |
48023 Programming Fundamentals | | 6cp | |
48024 Applications Programming | | 6cp | |
48080 Introduction to Innovation | | 6cp | |
48221 Engineering Computations | | 6cp | |
48330 Soil Behaviour | | 6cp | |
48331 Mechanics of Solids | | 6cp | |
48340 Construction | | 6cp | |
48349 Structural Analysis | | 6cp | |
48350 Environmental and Sanitation Engineering | | 6cp | |
48352 Construction Materials | | 6cp | |
48360 Geotechnical Engineering | | 6cp | |
48362 Hydraulics and Hydrology | | 6cp | |
48370 Road and Transport Engineering | | 6cp | |
48389 Computer Modelling and Design | | 6cp | |
48430 Embedded C | | 6cp | |
48433 Software Architecture | | 6cp | |
48434 Embedded Software | | 6cp | |
48440 Software Engineering Practice | | 6cp | |
48441 Introductory Digital Systems | | 6cp | |
48450 Real-time Operating Systems | | 6cp | |
48451 Advanced Digital Systems | | 6cp | |
48510 Introduction to Electrical Engineering | | 6cp | |
48520 Electronics and Circuits | | 6cp | |
48530 Circuit Analysis | | 6cp | |
48531 Electromechanical Automation | | 6cp | |
48540 Signals and Systems | | 6cp | |
48541 Signal Theory | | 6cp | |
48550 Renewable Energy Systems | | 6cp | |
48551 Analog Electronics | | 6cp | |
48560 Introductory Control | | 6cp | |
48561 Power Electronics and Drives | | 6cp | |
48570 Data Acquisition and Distribution | | 6cp | |
48610 Introduction to Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering | | 6cp | |
48620 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering | | 6cp | |
48621 Manufacturing Engineering | | 6cp | |
48622 Mechatronics 1 | | 6cp | |
48623 Mechatronics 2 | | 6cp | |
48640 Machine Dynamics | | 6cp | |
48641 Fluid Mechanics | | 6cp | |
48642 Strength of Engineering Materials | | 6cp | |
48650 Mechanical Design 2 | | 6cp | |
48651 Thermodynamics | | 6cp | |
48660 Dynamics and Control | | 6cp | |
48661 Heat Transfer | | 6cp | |
48662 Mechanical Applications | | 6cp | |
48663 Advanced Manufacturing | | 6cp | |
48670 Mechanical and Mechatronic Design | | 6cp | |
48720 Network Fundamentals | | 6cp | |
48730 Network Security | | 6cp | |
48740 Communications Networks | | 6cp | |
48750 Network Planning and Management | | 6cp | |
48770 Continuous Communications | | 6cp | |
48771 Discrete Communications | | 6cp | |
48780 Mobile Communications | | 6cp | |
48840 Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering | | 6cp | |
48850 Environmental Planning and Law | | 6cp | |
48860 Pollution Control and Waste Management | | 6cp | |
48353 Concrete Design | | 6cp | |
48366 Steel and Timber Design | | 6cp | |
48371 Advanced Engineering Computing | | 6cp | |
48372 Water Quantity and Quality Processes | | 6cp | |
48821 Ecological Engineering | | 6cp | |
48881 Water and Environmental Design | | 6cp | |
65111 Chemistry 1 | | 6cp | |
48521 Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering | | 6cp | |
48571 Electrical Machines | | 6cp | |
48572 Power Circuit Theory | | 6cp | |
48580 Advanced Control | | 6cp | |
48581 Digital Electronics | | 6cp | |
48582 Power Systems Analysis and Design | | 6cp | |
48583 Power Systems Operation and Protection | | 6cp | |
48600 Mechanical Design 1 | | 6cp | |
48601 Mechanical Vibration and Measurement | | 6cp | |
49006 Risk Management in Engineering | | 6cp | |
49016 Technology and Innovation Management | | 6cp | |
49047 Finite Element Analysis | | 6cp | |
49049 Air and Noise Pollution | | 6cp | |
49102 Traffic and Transportation | | 6cp | |
49106 Road Engineering Practice | | 6cp | |
49107 Urban Stormwater Design | | 6cp | |
49108 Local Government Powers and Practice | | 6cp | |
49109 Engineered Natural Water Treatment Systems | | 6cp | |
49115 Facade Engineering | | 6cp | |
49117 Floodplain Risk Management in NSW | | 6cp | |
49121 Environmental Assessment and Planning | | 6cp | |
49122 Ecology and Sustainability | | 6cp | |
49123 Waste and Pollution Management | | 6cp | |
49124 Water Quality Management | | 6cp | |
49125 Environmental Risk Assessment | | 6cp | |
49126 Environmental Management of Land | | 6cp | |
49131 Bridge Design | | 6cp | |
49133 Steel and Composite Design | | 6cp | |
49134 Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering | | 6cp | |
49135 Wind Engineering | | 6cp | |
49136 Application of Timber in Engineering Structures | | 6cp | |
49150 Prestressed Concrete Design | | 6cp | |
49151 Concrete Technology and Practice | | 6cp | |
49225 Software Project Management | | 6cp | |
49247 Object-oriented Technology | | 6cp | |
49261 Biomedical Instrumentation | | 6cp | |
49262 Web Technologies | | 6cp | |
49274 Advanced Robotics | | 6cp | |
49275 Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic | | 6cp | |
49285 Emergency Management | | 6cp | |
49286 Vehicle Design | | 6cp | |
49307 Internal Combustion Engines | | 6cp | |
49316 Materials Handling | | 6cp | |
49321 Energy Conversion | | 6cp | |
49322 Airconditioning | | 6cp | |
49323 Vibration Analysis | | 6cp | |
49325 Computer-aided Mechanical Design | | 6cp | |
49328 Turbomachines | | 6cp | |
49329 Control of Mechatronic Systems | | 6cp | |
49330 Sensors and Signal Processing | | 6cp | |
49928 Design Optimisation for Manufacturing | | 6cp | |
49118 Applied Geotechnics | | 6cp | |
48033 Wireless Sensor Networks: Technology and Applications | | 6cp | |
49255 Catchment Modelling | | 6cp | |
49256 Flood Estimation | | 6cp | |
49257 Geographic Information Systems | | 6cp | |
49048 Wireless Networking Technologies | | 6cp | |
49110 3G Mobile Communication Systems | | 6cp | |
49201 Integrated Services Networks | | 6cp | |
49202 Communication Protocols | | 6cp | |
49205 Transmission Systems | | 6cp | |
49223 Satellite Communication Systems | | 6cp | |
49119 Problematic Soils and Ground Improvement Techniques | | 6cp | |
49254 Advanced Soil Mechanics and Foundation Design | | 6cp | |
49258 Pavement Analysis and Design | | 6cp | |
49312 Advanced Flow Modelling | | 6cp | |
49116 Contaminated Site and Waste Remediation | | 6cp | |
49127 On-site Water and Wastewater Treatment | | 6cp | |
41101 Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering | | 6cp | |
41105 Biomedical Signal and Image Processing | | 6cp | |
42001 Bioinformatics | | 6cp | |
42902 Interior Routing and High Availability | | 6cp | |
42903 Multi Protocol Label Switching | | 6cp | |
49215 Telecommunications Industry Management | | 6cp | |
49227 Wireless Sensor Networks | | 6cp | |
49238 Telecommunication Networks Management | | 6cp | |
48721 Strategic e-Business Technologies | | 6cp | |
42890 4G Mobile Technologies | | 6cp | |
Total | | | 24cp |