UTS:Handbook 2005

The UTS:Handbook 2005 provides the latest information on approved courses and subjects to be offered at UTS in the following year. It includes important information for all UTS students, information for students studying within each faculty/institute, and comprehensive details about course content and structure, subject and elective choices, attendance patterns, credit-point requirements, and important faculty and student information.

All students are advised to read and become familiar with the General Information section for all UTS students, in addition to their course and faculty-specific information.

UTS offers undergraduate and postgraduate degrees, developed by the Faculties/Institute of:

Design, Architecture and Building
Humanities and Social Sciences
Information Technology
Nursing, Midwifery and Health
International Studies


The UTS:Handbook 2005 is available for purchase in print and on CD. However, the online handbook has been updated since the print and CD edition.

The UTS:Handbooks 2004 are no longer available for purchase, but archived versions can be viewed online.


UTS also produces a companion volume to the handbook every year. The UTS:Calendar contains useful University information, including the UTS Act, as amended in late 2004, and the new Rules of the University, approved in February 2005.

The UTS:Calendar 2005 is available for purchase in print.